If you have recently become disabled, you want to begin looking into your legal and financial options with an SSDI claim. You have likely never used this system before, though, so it can often feel intimidating and you may not know where to start. The best place to...
Do they put you under for back surgery?
Back surgery is major surgery. If you have suffered an injury -- in a workplace accident, for instance, or a car accident -- you may have emergency surgery to try to preserve mobility and feeling. If you have a degenerative condition or some other such health...
Clinical depression set to rise
The Black Hole of Calcutta in India measured 18ft by 14ft-10in with two small windows. It was a dungeon. In The Great Escape, Steve McQueen's character was known as The Cooler King because he survived so much time in solitary confinement. Being locked up in a small...
The information you’ll need to file for Social Security Disability Income
If you’re planning to apply for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), you’ll want to put your best case forward -- and that isn’t always an easy proposition. Before you ever sit down to fill out the application, you’ll need to have a long list of documents in your...
How can you afford an attorney for your Social Security Disability claim?
You’re disabled. More than likely, you aren’t working at all. If you are working, the few dollars you bring in each day are definitely not going to stretch very far. So, how are you expected to hire an attorney if your Social Security Disability (SSD) claim is denied?...