Say you have a disability, and you cannot work. You apply for SSDI benefits, and you get them. Then you find a job that you can manage to do. At least, you think you can. You start working, as you’d prefer to work if possible. After six months, though, you realize...
Can asthma help you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits?
When you were younger, you had asthma but were able to control it. Over time, it has worsened. Additionally, the workplace you were in negatively impacted you, setting off your asthma regularly. You ended up having to leave your job because of how your asthma had...
Chronic pain after a spinal cord injury
A spinal cord injury can be a devastating event, and it only takes a split second and a single event: A car accident, a fall from a ladder, an injury while playing sports -- any of those things could do it. When a spinal cord injury (SCI) happens, it can change your...
Understanding the different types of skin cancer
Skin cancer has a reputation for a high degree treatability, but the facts are a bit more complicated. As with most other cancers, it is more treatable when discovered in the early stages. If skin cancer has the chance to grow and spread, treatment becomes more...
What exactly qualifies as a disability?
A person who is injured or has a medical condition that prevents them from working might be told to file for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability (SSD) insurance. It’s imperative that anyone who’s going to file understands what kinds of...