Many people who file for Social Security benefits get denied. It can happen for a lot of different reasons. These individuals will often assume that this means that they are ineligible for benefits or that they don’t have a case, even if they think they do.
It’s important to dispel this myth. Just because you’ve been denied doesn’t mean you don’t have a case. It doesn’t mean you’re not eligible for benefits. It just means that you simply haven’t been approved yet. This is a process, and the denial may just be one step in the process.
Providing medical information
One reason that this can happen, for example, is when you need to provide more medical information to show that you really are disabled. You may need to have the testimony of an expert witness, or you may simply need to provide your medical records. This is often considered the basis of a claim.
But if you did not yet do so and you got denied, it’s not because you aren’t disabled. It’s just because the evidence that you provided to the Social Security Administration does not accurately show your disability. When they deny your claim, they’re simply saying that they don’t have the information necessary.
If you’re able to provide it for them, you can often rectify this and get approved through an appeal. You did have that disability case all along. You had to make sure that you effectively demonstrated that to the SSA.
Taking those next steps
As such, if you’ve been denied, it’s often important for you to know about the next legal steps that you can take. Never assume that your denial means there is nothing more you can do.