If you’ve recently been injured, developed a medical condition or other disability and can no longer work, then it can be difficult to pay rent, buy groceries and continue living fruitfully. Yet, hundreds of thousands are in the same boat as you. As a result, many people need to seek alternative means that can support them until they can work again.
One of the many benefits that you may already know about is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which your job should already provide or you have a family member who is eligible. In essence, SSDI is there to support people who can no longer work with certain benefits. These benefits often only last until a disability or medical condition is resolved, or until the beneficiary is 65 years of age or until they’ve reached retirement age – it depends on the actions a beneficiary takes when their benefits are nearing their end.
Before you have a better understanding of what SSDI benefits can bring, you may need to know if you qualify. Here’s what you should know:
Do you qualify for SSDI?
As stated above, before you qualify for SSDI, you have to have suffered from an injury, medical condition or disability that prevents you from working. You’ll likely have to have a medical report that illustrates the reason you’re applying for SSDI.
However, SSDI is a program that you pay into when you work and your benefits are only as good as your past earnings. For example, your benefits are limited per month even if you’re able to work above that limit.
When do you get your benefits?
When you apply for SSDI, it will likely take several months before your application is processed and you’re fully eligible to start earning your benefits. You may be paid benefits for twelve months before you applied if there’s evidence you’ve sustained your disability during that time.
The main benefit of SSDI for many people is its medical coverage. You may be given both hospital and medical insurance.
However, the SSDI application process can be difficult. The application itself can be confusing and one minor mistake can cause a denial. If you’re looking to apply for SSDI, you may need to better understand your legal rights.