If you’re interested in securing SSDI benefits, you may be wondering if the application process is something that you can approach on your own or if you need to work with a legal team. What you will find is that it can be very beneficial to have an attorney on your side.
That being said, people are sometimes still tempted to wade into this process on their own. Before you do so, consider some of the reasons why it may help to have representation.
Denials are very common
First and foremost, keep in mind that the majority of initial SSDI applications are denied. According to reports from the Social Security Administration (SSA), roughly 67% of claims are denied on average. When looking only at the initial claims, a mere 21% were approved between 2010 and 2019. The rest had to be approved after appeals and reconsiderations.
No matter how you look at the statistics, it is clear that it is much more likely that your benefits will be denied than approved, especially when you make that initial application. As a result, navigating this process without the assistance of someone who knows how to get positive results means that you’ll almost certainly deal with an initial application denial.
It’s a complex process
Another thing to note is that this process can be very complex. For example, more than 30% of the denials that were tracked by the SSA were simply technical denials because mistakes were made on an applicant’s paperwork. If this is your first time going through the process, having someone with experience on your side can make all of the difference.
It’s critical to provide evidence
Finally, it can help to have an attorney look at your case to make sure that you’ve provided all of the proper evidence of your disability. Many people are denied not because they aren’t disabled, but simply because they do not provide the medical documentation to prove that disability. This is just one example of how overlooking a certain step can drastically change the outcome of your case.
As you move toward an SSDI filing, be sure you know exactly what steps to take and what options you have. Seek support when necessary to give your application the best possible shot at success.